Helicotrichons sempervirens️
Helicotrichons sempervirens️
(Blue Oat Grass)
(Blue Oat Grass)
Rating: 🌻🌻🌻🌻
Rating: 🌻🌻🌻🌻
Light: ☀️
Light: ☀️
Deer resistant: yes 🦌
Moisture: not fussy
Bloom: Non-showy bluish spikes in June
Size: 36” H x 24” W
Hardiness zone: 3
Helicotrichons sempervirens is an ornamental grass with thin blue spikes that form a compact clump. Small blue flower spikes appear above the basal foliage in June and mature to wheat-like seed pods. Does not spread quickly. A nice accent or specimen plant in the middle of the border.