Hibiscus syriacus 'Antong Two' ('Li'l Kim')
(Rose of Sharon)
Rating: 🌻🌻🌻🌻
Light: ☀️⛅
Deer resistant: no
Moisture: not fussy
Bloom: Very showy white flowers with a deep red eye in August-September
Size: 60” H x 48” W
Hardiness zone: 5
Hibiscus 'Lil’ Kim' is an upright, vase-like shrub with striking white flowers with a deep red eye. This cultivar is smaller than the typical Hibiscus, which can grow to monstrous proportions. (We had one of those—it assumed small tree-like size and took over a corner of the garden.) The flowers are exceptionally eye-catching. Japanese beetles will occasionally go after foliage. Deer will occasionally browse throughout the year unless precautions are taken. Leaves do not emerge until very late spring, so don't give it up for dead if it does not leaf out when the rest of the perennial garden is bolting. (See late May photo in carousel.)